I have a toothache. Waaahaha. So far it has cost me $180.00 to find out it "might" be cracked and I might just need to pull it! Waaahahaha!! Here is what pisses me off. I finally feel I had a good dentist. Close... Just ride my bike over. Five minute walk. Nice guy. Older. Old school. Surfs. Has Surfer Mag's in the waiting room. So I get a toothache, and I call him pretty much right away!. Never lectures me, or make me feel, like I am not responsible enough to own teeth. He is great!
So I go in thinking, cool.. just another root canal. $1200 or so and the pain will be gone! NO... This tooth is special. And needs a specialist.. and a fucking special consulting fee.. So my dentist who is cool, and I still like, as of right now... Sends me to Ventura Endodontics to see D. Longweill DDS MS. MS??? Money Sucker!!! Endodontist: Dentist who just does root canals!!! boycott!!!Nevermind!
Now back in Carp... Dr Conti, my dentist, says there may be a crack and it might not be saveble anyway. ($30.00) He did a miracle job on two teeth in '04. But... this is a back molar and, too hard to root out??? "Root out" is my own root canal lingo. I'm drinking red wine but, haven't had a vicodin since 11pm last night. Yet, I am sill begining to ramble. Haven't even mentioned my daughter or ex-wife yet. It's just one of those days..
Back down to Ventura, roughly, 15 minutes South of La Conchita. Dr Longwill is explaining that it might be cracked. But, he can't tell. ($150.00) Same thing as Dr Conti, in Carp, says.($30.00) OK.. I can understand that it might be impossible to tell if it is cracked, and therefore, unfixable. I can understand that it would cost $200 too start digging in there, and actually find out if its cracked or not, before deciding whether to do the root canal.
What I CAN'T UNDERSTAND is... Why it took 180 fucking dollar$$$ to find this out. Just start digging! Now, if I want to find out if the tooth is still saveable. I still need another $200... If you are not counting, that is $380, to see if it can be saved. Otherwise... Pull it out?? Cost: Unknown
Why couldn't this "root canal specialist" just open the fucking tooth up and look at it right away for two hundred fucking dollars and tell me if if was cracked in the first place!
Instead it cost one hundred and fifty dollars to tell me.. it will cost two hundred dollars to see if we can fix it!!!
I feel like I just got fucked in the canal...
Ok.. Elsewhere.
My daughter still hates me, and my ex-wife still thinks I am the worst parent in the world.. Waaahahaha
PLUS JUST IN! MAMMOTH Avalanches, Volcanos, Death, oh boy!!

OH WELL... NEVERMIND - Dr Longwill just called me back and said he would apply the $150 to any further work. Yeah! Forget about the boycott, they are great!!! Highly recommended. YeP!
Concert Review..
April 15th Canyon Club.. Sorta near the LA scene
"The most important band to emerge from the L.A. punk scene" - Every One
"I'm glad we're still alive 25 years later, because I never expected to be, to be perfectly honest."
- John Doe
"I am so glad I finally saw them after waiting 25 years, because to be perfectly honest, I thought I would be all grown up by now." - Don Jayne