At any rate, I have been wanting to put my own collection up on the web ever since the shop closed and my collection ended up tucked away in my closet, or worse, sold off for cash. ouch! So... this was the perfect time to, shoot along with Sean while everything was out. Skateboards that is. Most of my Snowboards are locked in a shed, I have lost the key for. It's just one of those weeks. Oh well.. I did manage to shoot most of my skates and they are now posted here. the greensector... underground... Sorry Trav, for stepping on your name but... we are underground.. and you can't find us! btw.. The Green Sector Underground, was the original name for the swap meet biz which lasted two weeks before my head exploded from all the success! This would also be a good time to credit Mr. Vince Kitchen, for pulling that name, Green Sector 27, out of thin air... More on that some day. Something about.. Red Sector A! Santa Cruz and fungus...
Well... I have grand delusions of re-releasing some of the old t-shirts and stuff, and hopefully reconnecting with a lot of the old friends & customers, from the halcyon days of my retail carreer, I loved so much, sometimes.. Ha. If nothing else this is where you can now publicly view, the Green Sector Skate, Snow, and Surf Museum. Plus you don't miss the my new blog detailing one misguided boy's journey from, bright starry eyed 8 year old, with a Hobie Super Surfer and a skinned knee, to highly successful yuppie snowboard shop guy, to surfing recluse, ensconced in an aluminum trailer, about 2 minutes from the Queen of the Coast, with a beautiful woman 15 minutes to the north, and two beautiful daugthers a half hour to the south. No wonder all the oil blew out the back of my van. Criky!! From the east to the west. to the north and south. Oh crap, this going to take awhile..
A long, long, time ago... My Grampa Bob had this really cool Hobie Super Surfer hanging up on the wall in his garage. I couldn't help but notice it. He was a carpenter and had ton's of woodworking equipment in the garage. This board is still in my collection. It's missing the sticker, and the Super Surfer Wheels but, If you look closely, you can see the hole he drilled in there to hang it on the wall... But he didn't build this. This was something else. Something very cool, I thought. I was probably in second or third grade, making me... Hmmm about 8, I guess.