Saturday, July 29, 2006


It was freakin hot! (Over 80) In the capital city of Alaska today.... Guess_______ I can't escape the heat! Hint... It starts with a J. Speaking of J, I would like to play a game of scrable with Jenny today, or play anything really. That's it. It is way to hot. Just like California. Except for a ton of Salomon jumping all over the freakin' place. J_____ is a small town with about a 100 jewelery shops. Reminds me of Big Bear Lake except with whales, and the float planes. Oh Okay... It's better than that. I just miss Jen... Ok. More tommorrow from aboard the Seven Seas Mariner. MATU UTU... Take me to the South Pacfic. Ok, I am whipped. But... since when was that a bad thing? Bye!

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